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Inspire Recovery Journal Writing Group
At Inspire Recovery, we appreciate the therapeutic benefits that journal writing can provide to individual. It is an incredible outlet to process what’s going on emotionally, physically and transitionally as a person moves through the early stages of recovery. Our creative approach to treating addiction is integrated into our clinical program. Providing clients with expressive ways that speak volumes to what they may or may not be able to share verbally in group therapy.
Journal Writing for Recovery
Journal writing exercises provide clients with a safe space for them to express themselves in an honest and vulnerable format. The journals are a private place for clients to dig as deep as they are willing and able to go with themselves.
During groups that include journal writing the facilitator prepares a printout that provides each client that is present for the group with their own copy so the clients can read along as the facilitator presents the assignments for the day. The facilitator often invites clients to share in the reading if they are interested and the printout also allows clients to re-read the handout and understand each assignment to the best of their ability.
Cultivating Mindfulness

A typical day at Inspire Recovery begins with a Process Group, which often includes an inspirational reading or daily affirmations. Clients are encouraged to be inspired by these messages and connect them to the hope and healing that will carry them through the early stages of addiction recovery.
The objective of reading from the Alcoholics Anonymous “Daily Reflections” book, or the Narcotics Anonymous “Just For Today” daily affirmation book, is to provide the clients with a grounding meditation that can help them to put some of the distractions of their day aside and be able to focus on and more present moment. Helping clients to be more grounded in the physical, present moment is referred to as a Mindfulness exercise.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Mindfulness is one of the core components of our evidenced-based practices and holistic approach. Mindfulness is a part of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT), which helps individuals reframe their thinking which, over time, leads to behavioral changes.
At Inspire Recovery, journal writing exercises relate to the client’s personal growth work, treatment plan goals and/or recovery in general. Clients are always invited to ask questions and share what comes to mind related to the topic before and after the writing time.a