Crystal Meth Rehab Guide Inspire Recovery LGBTQ Addiction Rehab


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Crystal Meth Rehab Guide

This is a short crystal meth rehab guide. Crystal meth is one of the most potent drugs today. It has a devastating impact on the LGBTQIA+ community, which experiences higher addiction rates than heterosexuals. At Inspire Recovery, our crystal meth rehab helps you tackle the root causes of addiction in an environment that understands your unique needs.

Crystal Meth Rehab Process

Drugs affect people in different ways. Crystal meth rehab is especially crucial because the drug is extremely addictive. Long-term use changes your brain’s chemical composition, making you ever dependent on it. You may experience cravings long after stopping the habit. Though each person’s journey is unique, rehab occurs in four main phases: Assessment, detox, therapy, and aftercare. Check out our Alumni section to learn more about recovery and crystal meth rehab guide info from people who have attended our program.


The first step is to call us at 561-899-6088. An assessment is the next step in the admissions process. It involves coming up with a customized treatment plan. Points of interest during the assessment include the length and severity of the addiction. We also consider any underlying physical and mental health challenges the patient might suffer.

Learn more about the assessment process and information about insurance coverage for treatment.


Detox reduces and ultimately eliminates your dependence on crystal meth, as well as managing withdrawal symptoms. It’s a necessary step before embarking on therapy. Crystal meth withdrawal symptoms include psychosis, insomnia, acute depression, fatigue, and severe cravings for the drug.

Psychotic episodes might put the patient and those around them in danger. You’re most likely to be tempted to relapse because your body wants to put an end to the withdrawal effects. For these reasons, detox should occur in a medical setting. Other than professionally monitoring your progress, experts know the exact type of holistic and therapeutic solutions to administer.

Therapy for LGBT Individuals

As mentioned earlier, no two cases are alike, so treatment options must reflect this fact. While developing a treatment plan for patients, we consider the following points:

  • How long the patient has been abusing crystal meth
  • Whether the patient is motivated to get better.
  • Their education and employment status.
  • Their physical and mental health status.
  • Whether they’ll receive dependable support from friends, family, and society during recovery.

In-patient treatment is recommended for patients with severe addiction or those who’ve relapsed. Providing round-the-clock support for patients in our care.

Crystal Meth Rehab Aftercare

When patients leave rehab, they must continue to rebuild their lives. At Inspire Recovery, our treatment plans include a Life Skills Program to prepare people for their independence. An important part of aftercare is going to meetings. 12 Step and other variations of recovery meetings are readily available throughout the country. Even during the coronavirus pandemic, 12 Step meetings have been happening virtually. Inspire Recovery’s LGBT-affirming therapy helps individuals create long-term goals for their lives through working a sustained program of recovery.

During the early phases of aftercare, it’s vital for family, friends, the government, and communities unite to support the patient. Healthy forms of family support are discussed through the therapy treatment plan. Examples of ways patients need support include job training and placement, safe and affordable housing, relationship counseling, and food assistance.

LGBTQIA+ crystal meth addicts in recovery also need close medical care. They have a higher likelihood of suffering conditions such as HIV, heart problems, Hepatitis B and C, and kidney disease. A robust support system helps individuals recovering from crystal meth resist the urge to relapse.

Need Help with Crystal Meth Addiction?

At Inspire Recovery, we’re always rooting for you. Our crystal meth rehab program is specifically tailored towards members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We have treatment and counseling solutions that take into consideration the tremendous obstacles you face compared to heterosexual addicts.

Our partnership with various human rights and HIV organizations allows us to offer you comprehensive treatment plans. Please call us today at 561-899-6088 for more information.

Crystal Meth Rehab Guide: Therapies

Evidence-based therapy models used during crystal meth rehab include:

  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This psychotherapeutic treatment enables patients to understand how their feelings and thoughts lead to certain behaviors. Other than addictions, it treats disorders such as phobias, anxiety, and depression.

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy helps patients trace the root causes of their addiction. This helps individuals be able to process and heal their past and make the necessary changes for a better life.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is an effective therapy that allows patients to reshape the feelings they experience whenever they remember traumatic events. Crystal meth addicts living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and panic disorders benefit from EMDR therapy.

  • Group Therapy

Every patient at Inspire Recovery has a primary therapist they attend one-on-one sessions with. There are weekly processing groups with the other patients who work with each therapist. Additionally, there is a rich program of group therapies specifically created for LGBTQIA+ individuals. While supervised by a trained therapist, recovering addicts are encouraged to share their experiences with their peers in group therapy.

12 Step Meetings

Our crystal meth rehab guide would not be complete without mentioning 12 Step meetings. Across the country, 12 Step meetings are held in churches and other community venues. Many cities and towns have their own 12 Step Clubhouse that they manage, mostly voluntarily.

Inspire Recovery patients attend meetings throughout the week, mainly at one of Palm Beach County’s private owned 12 Step Clubhouse. Lambda North, Lambda South, and Lambda Miami are all LGBTQIA-focused meetings. This is a beautiful reflection of the vibrant LGBT community in South Florida, as well as a strong recovery community.

Call us today for more information: 561-899-6088.

Are you or is someone you know addicted to drugs?

Call Inspire Recovery today at 561-899-6088 for a free & confidential consultation.