LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program.

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LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program

Our LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a level of treatment care that involves 3 or more hours of addiction education and structured counseling services a day, these hours are typically split up over three or five days, each week where the participants will participate in individual therapy sessions and group therapy. Many unique creative and holistic programs are included in all that Inspire Recovery has to offer.

Necessities and Treatment Plan for LGBTQ IOP Participants

In IOP each individual will receive the necessities for their treatment, which includes psychiatric and psychological services, nutrition and total care for treating their substance use and co-occuring issues effectively.

An individual therapist will be assigned to each person and a formal treatment plan will be developed to implement during a client’s stay at Inspire Recovery’s LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program.

Clients at Inspire Recovery are treated as whole people who are suffering from an illness—the disease of addiction. The staff strives to make them well again. Regular drug screenings are mandatory to ensure the clients are accountable for their sobriety. The essential lengths are taken to be certain each client is made comfortable. A safe and judgment-free environment is fostered so that everyone will feel that they can grow in their recovery and into the best versions of themselves they can be—maximizing the potential each person has to lead fulfilling and successful lives in recovery after their treatment is completed.

Inspire Recovery’s creative approach is about helping the clients find their passions and providing a variety of outlets for emotional expression. Often times, aspects of life that carry deep personal importance are put by the wayside during active addiction. Reconnecting with a passion from the past or finding inspiration for a new one can be paramount in recovery and continuous long-term abstinence from drugs and alcohol, as well as processing the emotions and experiences that arise throughout life in healthy ways. The focus of someone’s mind, which during addiction is a substance, can be redirected, perhaps to an interest in writing, a hobby for crafting and artwork or an appreciation for music.

In our LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program, clients participate in nutrition, Tai Chi, breath work and meditation on a weekly basis, as well. All of these holistic practices can empower an individual to choose positive approaches to challenges and aide in one’s ability to overpower the lure to revert back to relying on drugs and alcohol.

The Importance of Creative Expression in Addiction Recovery

The arts can also be an important resource for individuals in the LGBTQ population who are discovering their identities or growing to be more comfortable in their identities while in treatment. For this reason and many more, Inspire Recovery has completely integrated creativity as a core element of our groups.

Life After Treatment: Re-entering Society and 12-Step Programs

By this time, LGBTQ Intensive Outpatient Program clients at Inspire Recovery will be working or volunteering. The tools acquired in the Life Skills group will be put into practice as clients prepare to re-enter society as empowered individuals. Throughout the IOP program clients are encouraged to connect with the local recovery community at 12 step meetings and find a sponsor to help them work the 12 steps. All in all, Inspire Recovery works to provide the boosts our clients need to beat their addictions and become the full expression of the people they really want to be in life. The IOP level of care is one step along the path of that journey.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, reach out to Inspire Recovery.

Call 561-899-6088 now for a FREE and Confidential Consultation.