Pieces of Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) tablets also known as "SASS drugs".


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What Is A SASS Drug?

SASS drugs, also known as Methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), is a drug that alters mood and perception. It’s often seen in clubs, festivals, concerts, house parties, raves and other entertainment venues. This drug has become a topic of concern and curiosity. Known for their stimulating and euphoric effects, these substances are sometimes seen as a way to escape the pressures and stresses of daily life. For those who face societal discrimination, homophobia and violence, the allure of these drugs can be particularly strong. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks that come with their use. While they may offer a temporary sense of relief or excitement, the potential for dependency and negative health effects is significant. Being informed about what SASS drugs are, why they might be used, and the consequences they carry is crucial for making safe and healthy choices. 

What To Know About SASS

SASS is a synthetic drug that usually comes as a pill or capsule. It is also available as a white powder, which can be eaten or sniffed. This drug is made from safrole, a chemical compound found in the root bark of the sassafras tree. Often associated with parties, raves, and club scenes, it is a psychoactive substance that alters mood and perception, causing increased energy, pleasure, and distorted sensory experiences. 

Many people take MDA specifically to feel its hallucinogenic effects. These individuals can expect to experience an altered perception of time when using the drug. They may also experience hallucinations, which can make them a danger to themselves or others. Though less euphoric, the MDA drug high is a longer-lasting high, which also underscores its dangerous properties.

Effects Of SASS

SASS triggers the release of brain chemicals called serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These chemicals influence the mood and behavior of the individual. Most people feel the effects of SASS within 20 to 90 minutes of using the drug. The effects are both psychological and physical. The drug’s most common psychological effects include:

  • increased energy
  • increased feelings of empathy and affection
  • euphoria (intense joy)
  • excitement
  • lowered inhibitions
  • anxiety
  • hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that aren’t there)

The drug’s most common physical effects include:

  • increased heart rate
  • increased body temperature
  • high blood pressure
  • sweating 
  • jaw clenching
  • nausea
  • loss of appetite

Typically, the effects of sass last between 8 to 12 hours. Many people experience unpleasant aftereffects, such as depression and tiredness after the drug wears off. These effects can last anywhere between one hour to a few days.

What Are The Dangers Of Using MDA?

Although most people seek MDA for its pleasurable effects, there are many severe risks associated with this substance. Like other drugs, sass can cause a life-threatening overdose. An individual is more likely to overdose if they take a large amount of sass or if they mix it with other drugs. The most common signs of sass overdose include:

  • Enlarged pupils
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Faster breathing and/or heart rate
  • Trouble breathing
  • Seizures
  • Loss of consciousness

A SASS overdose can be fatal, especially if the drug has been laced with other substances, such as fentanyl. Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid linked to numerous overdose deaths. Many drug dealers secretly add it to other substances, including SASS. 

Signs That An Individual Is Struggling With An MDA Addiction

Just like other substances, it’s possible to become addicted to SASS. MDA abuse usually begins out of experimentation, but continued use can quickly result in addiction. Signs often include frequent use and being unable to have fun without it. The signs of an addiction include:

  • An intense craving for the drug
  • Neglecting responsibilities due to use
  • Engaging in risk-taking behaviour
  • Continuing to use MDA despite physical or psychological problems
  • Spending a lot of money on the drug and neglecting bills or other very important things 
  • Decreased motivation and productivity 
  • Frequent intoxication while using MDA
  • Hiding the drug at home

Other behaviors that point to addiction include lying, social withdrawal, stealing or borrowing money to buy MDA, and taking significant amounts of the substance. Repeated use of SASS interferes with an individual’s normal brain chemistry, resulting in severe mood swings and potential brain damage. MDA so completely drains the body of naturally occurring “feel good” chemicals that individuals frequently experience extreme depression in the days after their last dose.

Take The First Step To Recovery 

If you or an LGBTQ+ loved one is struggling with any form of addiction including SASS addiction, call Inspire Recovery, at 561-899-6088 or reach out online. Everyone’s journey to recovery is different, we aim to provide individualized treatment plans to meet each person’s unique needs through our rehab program. Don’t wait any longer, we are here for you. Start your path to recovery today.

SASS affects the brain by altering the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. These chemical messengers play an important role in regulating mood, perception, and basic bodily functions. By increasing serotonin levels, SASS can temporarily change how individuals perceive themselves and their surroundings, enhancing sensory experiences. Norepinephrine affects mood and can increase blood pressure and temperature, sometimes to dangerous levels. Dopamine reinforces the use of SASS by creating feelings of reward and pleasure, which can encourage repeated use.

SASS use can lead to addiction by altering the brain’s reward system. The increase in dopamine caused by SASS signals that the behavior is “good,” producing feelings of reward and pleasure. Over time, individuals may develop a craving for these euphoric feelings and become dependent on the drug to experience them. This dependency can lead to frequent use, neglect of responsibilities, and engagement in risky behaviors resulting in addiction.

Taking SASS in social settings like clubs and raves can increase the risk of dangerous side effects. The crowded and energetic environment can lead to overheating and hyperthermia, as SASS affects the body’s ability to regulate temperature. Additionally, the altered perception of space and motion can increase the risk of accidental injury, especially if driving or engaging in other risky activities. It’s also common for SASS to contain other substances, such as fentanyl, which can cause unexpected and potentially harmful reactions.

Are you or is someone you know addicted to drugs?

Call Inspire Recovery today at 561-899-6088 for a free & confidential consultation.

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