Therapies at Inspire Recovery.

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Unique Therapies at Inspire Recovery

Morning Reflections

This group focuses on processing feelings and thoughts triggered by events in clients lives. During group, clients discuss at-home assignments given by their therapist. This is a check-in group to understand how clients are implementing suggestions and steps into their lives in order to help them move forward.

Life Skills Program

The Life Skills Support Groups combine the objectives of removing substance and mental health barriers to employment and personal relationships through exercises that promote practical outcomes. Participants will learn coping strategies to deal with their emotional concerns, and gain knowledge about the culture of the work environment. Personal strengths will be identified in dealing with stress-related issues. Participants can expect to become empowered to pursue education/employment goals while improving in the area of general life skills.

Self-Esteem / Know Your Self Worth

This group helps to repair one’s ego in order to build ego strength. Fostering positive self-esteem and knowing your self-worth also helps individuals learn empowerment, self-love and learning how to “date yourself” in order to move forward in life with confidence and healthy self-esteem.

Love & Relationships

Many people struggle with repeating patterns of unhealthy relationships, both in romantic and platonic relationships. Our love and relationships group focuses on breaking these patterns and identifying new, healthier forms of communication and connections clients can make with loved ones and in social settings.

Weekly Wrap-Up

During the Weekly Wrap-up, clients review what they have learned about themselves over the past week. Clients reflect on positive and negative aspects of their week, keeping them present with the work involved with their attitude and approach to recovery. During the Wrap-up Group, a short-term goal is set for the next week, as well as an outline on how to get to their short-term goal. Long-term goals are also set, so to help clients with the life skills aspect of recovery and helping them stay mindful of a better life and positive future post-treatment.

Relapse Prevention

In addition to the therapeutic support involved in our program, learning relapse prevention techniques assists our clients in identifying the triggers they have related to addiction, as well as, healthier ways to cope with triggers and social settings, in order to prevent relapse.

Letting Go Of Fear

Fear is an emotion that has been fundamental to our ancestors survival, a warning that danger is present. However, many live their lives in a constant state of fear in spite of a lack of present danger. Much of the time, these irrational fears keep us from creating a life worth living. This group focuses on identifying these irrational fears and removing their power.

Trauma Therapy

At Inspire, our trauma therapy group is a safe supportive place to heal the harmful effects of trauma. Each therapy session focuses on processing different types of trauma in clients lives, which interfere with their ability to move forward in healthy ways and grown from a victim into a survivor.

Emotion Regulation

This group assists in beginning to identify newly salient emotions and recognize the situations that contribute to them. Skills are built in order to more effectively regulate emotions that may feel overwhelming at times.


Art Of Recovery

Facilitated by Rolando Chang Barrero

Bringing the traditional 12 Steps of AA and NA to life! By combining art and craft projects that are both fun and therapeutic, the projects are designed to be accessible to people with all levels of artistic skills. Our Creative Steps Group provides an opportunity to put the life-empowering 12 Steps into a physical form that can be seen, held and brought home as a reminder of where to keep the focus on recovery.

Crafting Mindfulness

Facilitated by Alicja Majer

What is mindfulness and how to cultivate it. Staying away from the idea that formal meditation is the only way mindfulness can be achieved. Focusing on living life as it really mattered moment by moment, and bringing in mindfulness to daily habits. The purpose is to help our clients to find alternative methods to carry out on their own time, in the early stages of recovery.Crafting Mindfulness serves as a way to cultivate relief from worry, anxiety, and stress through creative projects and crafts that can be easily integrated into a healthy lifestyle in recovery from substance abuse during treatment, as well as outside of group therapy rooms.

Recovery Through Journal Writing

The Creative Expressions Journal Group begins with a small inspirational/insightful reading that includes daily affirmations and writing prompts. Everyone is provided with their own journal. This is an important time to be open and honest with oneself, as the journals are not read out loud or read by the group facilitator. The journals are a private place for them to dig as deep as an individual is willing to go with themselves in response to the writing prompts.

Meditation Group

Facilitated by Sue Neering

Every week, clients take rest in our group room for a meditation that helps to release some of the hard work that has been processed in group and individual therapy sessions. By utilizing a combination of different modalities of healing, Gloria guides the clients to: release negative emotions, belief & behavior, replacing them with positive feelings.At Inspire, we feel that providing the opportunity to take part in guided meditation can strengthen the healing and recovery of our clients. These meditations also assist in processing grief, stress reduction and can provide clarity to continue in life, expanding joy and peace, shifting life’s direction to a positive, recognizing the inner-self and embracing and accelerating spiritual growth.

If you or someone you know is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, reach out to Inspire Recovery.

Call 561-899-6088 now for a FREE and Confidential Consultation.