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How Long Does Acid Last?
When it comes to recreational drug use, acid, also known as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), often stands out due to its potent, mind-altering effects. Many people might see experimenting with acid as a way to add excitement to a party, music festival or a night out with friends. However, it’s important to understand the duration and impact of this powerful hallucinogen. The effects of acid aren’t limited to the duration of the trip; they can also include lingering psychological impacts that last long after the drug has worn off. Whether you’re considering trying acid or know an LGBTQ+ person who does, being aware of its duration and effects is an essential part of staying safe and healthy.
Understanding LSD (Acid)?
LSD (acid) is a psychedelic drug that changes how an individual sees and feels the world around them. Even a tiny amount can cause significant changes in how the person thinks, feels, and senses things. This drug is commonly taken in the form of tablets, though it can also be injected or snorted. Some other people take it by swallowing small squares of paper soaked in the drug, known as tabs. Taking LSD can make an individual experience vivid sights, sounds, and thoughts that are far from reality.
What Are The Effects Of Acid?
Individuals who take acid do so to experience a psychedelic trip. Typically, this involves changes in a person’s ability to think and feel, altered sensory perception, and visual or auditory hallucinations. The common effects of acid include:
- Intense sensory experiences such as brighter colors or louder sounds
- Synesthesia (hearing colors and seeing sounds)
- Distorted sense of time and space
- Distorted body image
- Visual and auditory hallucinations
- Dilated pupils
- Increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure
- Excessive sweating
- Loss of appetite
- Insomnia
- Dry mouth
- Shaking or tremors
How Long Does An Acid Trip Last?
An acid trip is a journey that can last for a while, with various stages unfolding along the way. The total duration of an acid experience can be protracted, with the whole trip lasting up to 12 hours or more. LSD does not act immediately. After taking acid, the individual will likely start to feel the first effects within 20 to 60 minutes. The first signs of the drug’s effect might be subtle. Colors might seem brighter, and sounds might appear sharper. They could also notice a shift in their mood or a feeling of anticipation. Within an hour or so, the effects become very noticeable, leading into the main part of the acid trip. It is at this point that the hallucinations and intense changes in perception begin.
The peak of an acid trip is the most intense part of the experience. The peak often occurs between 2 to 4 hours after taking LSD. This is when the effects are at their strongest and most overwhelming.
Visual and auditory hallucinations are heightened during the peak. The person might see things that aren’t there or hear sounds that seem to come from nowhere. Their emotions can be at their most intense during the peak. They might feel a strong sense of euphoria, fear, or confusion. During the peak, it can be difficult to differentiate between what’s real and what’s not. Their sense of self, time, and space may feel completely different, which can be both exciting and scary for the individual. After the peak, the effects will gradually start to decrease, but it can still take several hours before they feel completely back to normal
Why Does LSD Last So Long?
Acid is known for its long-lasting effects, which can be explained by how the drug interacts with the brain of the individual:
- Serotonin receptors: Acid or LSD binds to serotonin receptors in the brain, particularly the ones that control mood, perception, and thought. Once attached, the acid molecules stay locked in place, which is why the effects may last for hours.
- Slow metabolism: The body metabolizes LSD slowly. This means it takes time for the drug to break down and leave the system, prolonging the experience.
- Deep brain impact: Acid affects parts of the brain that deal with processes like thinking and perception. This is why the acid trip can last for such a long time and also why it takes so long to feel normal again afterward.
What Are The Risks Of Taking LSD?
While many people have a positive experience with LSD, it is possible to struggle with adverse side effects. The main dangers of consuming LSD include:
- Bad Trips
It is possible to have a bad trip when taking acid. The person may feel scared, confused, or paranoid. Unfortunately, bad trips last just as long as good ones. This means there is no way to stop the effects when they are experiencing a bad trip and all they can do is try and make themselves more comfortable.
- Tolerance
They can develop a tolerance to LSD rather quickly. When they repeatedly use acid, they will have to continuously increase their dose to experience the desired effect. However, tolerance is short-lived, so if they stop using it for some time and try to take a large dose they will experience adverse effects.
- Hallucinogen-Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD)
One of the main risks of repeated acid abuse is developing a condition known as hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder (HPPD). This condition causes flashbacks from acid trips while the person is sober. These flashbacks could last for weeks or even months, often causing the same hallucinations that they dealt with during their acid trips.
- Psychosis
Lastly, if the person has a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia or a history of one of these conditions in their family, taking LSD could cause them to develop psychosis. This is due to the fact that the substance can trigger a dormant psychotic disorder to start causing mental health effects. If they are considered at risk for developing a condition like schizophrenia, they should avoid taking LSD or other psychedelic drugs completely.
Reach Out To Inspire Recovery Today For Help
If you have been using acid and you feel you need help getting back on track, reach out to Inspire Recovery. We have our inclusive rehabs where we treat addictions and mental health conditions. Every addiction is different, so all treatment plans at our pet-friendly rehabs reflect this with personalized therapies. Begin your recovery from substance abuse today by calling 561-899-6088.
How long does an acid trip typically last?
An acid trip usually lasts between six to twelve hours, but the experience can feel much longer due to the intense and altered perception of time. The effects begin within 20 to 60 minutes after ingestion, peak around 2 to 4 hours, and gradually taper off. However, some residual effects can linger for up to 24 hours. It’s important to be prepared for the duration and intensity of the trip to ensure a safe experience.
Why does LSD have such long-lasting effects?
LSD has long-lasting effects because it binds to serotonin receptors in the brain, particularly those involved in mood, perception, and thought. The drug’s molecules stay attached to these receptors for an extended period, prolonging the experience. Additionally, the body metabolizes LSD slowly, which means it takes time for the drug to break down and leave the system, extending the duration of its effects.
What are the risks of having a bad trip on LSD?
A bad trip on LSD can be a frightening and overwhelming experience, characterized by intense fear, paranoia, and confusion. During a bad trip, the individual may feel trapped in a negative thought loop and struggle to distinguish reality from hallucinations. These experiences can last as long as a good trip, making it crucial to have a safe and supportive environment. If someone is having a bad trip, it’s important to stay calm, provide reassurance, and seek medical help if necessary.