Gender Therapy and Transgender Therapists.

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Gender Therapy and Transgender Therapists

For recovering transgender addicts, or anyone who is still exploring their gender identity and/or gender expression, opting to seek professional help from a transgender therapist is often the best solution when going through recovery. Individuals who are exploring their gender identity may experience difficulty in getting through everyday life and managing relationships with family and friends. Many studies have shown that those questioning their gender identity are prone to depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide which can trigger addicted behaviors. 

Our transgender therapists, or gender therapists, are professionally certified counsellors who are fully equipped with the knowledge of the trans experience and addiction. Transgender therapists can help provide you with the tools needed to help better understand what you are going through as you explore your gender identity and provide psychotherapeutic help with mental health conditions. When going through therapy for addiction, trans and questioning clients may discover that they need to explore options on how best to approach their transition to live their authentic life after they leave treatment. 

Transgender Affirming Gender Therapists

Speaking to a gender-affirming therapist can help allow you to explore your gender identity freely in a safe environment. A transgender affirming therapists’ goal is to help you better understand yourself, your relationship to your identity and how best to navigate the world and live a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. There is no right way to figure out your gender identity nor is there a time limit for you to decide how you identify. Therapists will ensure you feel validated and affirmed throughout your recovery process, and how you as an individual can meet your long-term recovery goals.  

Gender Therapists for Transgender people seeking hormone replacement therapy evaluation

After discovering your gender identity, you may consider taking hormone replacement therapy to help match your physical body with your true gender. Deciding to undergo HRT can either be an easy decision or a difficult one, depending on each individual’s situation. Speaking to a gender therapist can help walk you through the procedure and give you a better understanding to what to expect when going through HRT. Many therapists can also provide referral HRT letters or certificates for individuals to give to physicians before they can be prescribed the treatment.

Gender Therapists for gender affirmation surgery 

Another option transgender people may consider is undergoing gender affirmation surgery. Like hormone replacement therapy, this is another physical transition through a surgical procedure. Surgeons often require individuals to speak to a gender therapist before the surgery to ensure that they are well aware and fully informed of the procedure. Even before consulting a physician, transgender people may consider speaking to a therapist first to help guide them through their decision of going through affirmation surgery, as well as other options. Some may choose to have a full surgery; others may even choose to have a partial form of gender-affirming surgery.

If you are currently seeking therapists for transgender people in the West Palm Beach, Florida area contact us today.

Confused about your gender and struggling with addiction?

Call 561-899-6088 now for a FREE and Confidential Consultation.