Demi Lovato Documentary


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Demi Lovato and what we can learn about recovering as an LGBT addict from her new documentary series

What we can learn about recovering as an LGBT addict from Demi Lovato’s new documentary series – Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil

For many who face the challenges of addiction, recovery isn’t always a one-way street. Demi Lovato’s new honest and revealing documentary, Demi Lovato: Dancing with the Devil, brings light and attention to her long and complicated road to sobriety. In the new four-episode documentary series, the queer pop singer opens up about her history of drug abuse, relapsing and her near-fatal overdose. As a celebrity, her story of addiction may not be unique, but it does highlight the importance of living an authentic life as a recovering LGBT addict.

Here’s what Demi Lovato’s documentary can teach us about the importance of self-acceptance, affirmation and the road to recovery through the queer experience.

Addressing your past traumas is an essential part of treatment, especially for recovering LGBT addicts
Dealing with past demons can be a great emotional burden to bear and is often the hardest part of treatment. But it’s a necessary step to take for long-term recovery. In the series, Demi opens up about how her past traumas contributed to her recent relapses, going into detail about her eating disorder, sexual assaults, family’s history with drug abuse and her estrangement from her father (who sadly died of an overdose in 2013). LGBT addicts in treatment usually have a different set of traumas to address when compared to their hetero-cis counterparts. Demi even mentions how her Christian, Conservative, Southern upbringing prevented her from coming out. The journey to recovery can look different to different people, and for recovering LGBTQ addicts working through their trauma, seeking specialized treatments and therapists who are well versed in the queer experience can play a vital role in their treatment.

Embracing your queerness can be a great healing moment
In the series, Demi Lovato revealed that part of her healing process came when she decided to embrace her own queerness. She shares how her experience of exploring her sexuality during lockdown has helped her to come out as Pansexual. Unfortunately for many queer folks, finding a safe space can be a challenge. This is why providing an affirming environment to freely explore your identity and expression should be a priority for queer and questioning patients going through rehabilitation. For LGBT addicts, self-acceptance is often the key to unlocking inner peace.

Recovery isn’t always straight forward, and it is never too late to ask for help
Although many were shocked by Demi Lovato’s relapse after remaining sober for six years, her experience serves as a reminder that the road to rehabilitation isn’t always linear. Setbacks can happen, and long-term recovery is neither quick nor easy. In the show, Demi reveals sobriety is still a daily battle but continues to work through it. No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, it is never too late to ask for help. If you or a loved one are seeking help or advice on treating LGBT addicts, call us today at 561-899-6088 for a free consultation.

Are you or is someone you know addicted to drugs?

Call Inspire Recovery today at 561-899-6088 for a free & confidential consultation.